Join the Gaggle for our final episode this Wednesday at 4pm Central. We will talk a bit about what we have learned as part of this journey, discuss agorism, take your questions and highlight projects that spun off of this podcast.

The Geese are Flying NORTH for the winter (See how we changed hemispheres there?)

We will stream to multiple channels – our Youtube is the easiest place to find it though:


Episode 20-Crypto Currency Discussion

In this episode, The Gaggle talks about the basics of Crypto Currency, different ones you can use, and covers the “why” of using it. Moderated by Xavier Hawk *************************** OUR HOSTS:  John Bush: …

Episode 19-Events, Friendship and Community

Today, The Gaggle discusses different kinds of events, developing trusting relationships, and expanding community. Moderated by John Bush *************************** OUR HOSTS:  John Bush: Sal…

Episode 18-Religion and Spirituality

Join The Gaggle as they dive into religion, the good and the bad - as well as share our individual philosophies and how they relate to agorism. Moderated by Peter R. Quinones and Nicole Sauce *************************** OUR HOSTS:  Peter…

Episode 17-Gaggling On the Election

Today, The Gaggle shares their post-election thoughts. Moderated by Nicole Sauce *************************** OUR HOSTS:  John Bush: Nicole Sauce: Xavier…

Episode 16-Living The Agora

The Gaggle shares how they came to embrace agorism, steps you can take to build it into your life, mistakes they have made along the way, and ideas for the future. Moderated by John Bush On This Episode John Bush: …

Episode 15-Counter Technology Strategies

Today, The Gaggle takes a solutions-based approach to implementing "counter technology" in your life so that you can protect yourself from control of the technocracy through using crypto currency, barter, developing networks, 3D printing, and…

Episode 14-Spreading Freedom

In this episode the gaggle discusses the best ways to communicate the spirit of freedom and agorism with the uninitiated. We cover everything from living by example, to beating in the skulls of the sheeple with facts... gently. Moderator: On…

Episode 13-Social Engineering and Agorism

Join the Gaggle as we discuss social engineering, some examples of it, ways to work around it and ideas for gently helping others to see what is going on. Moderator: Nicole Sauce On this episode John Bush: …

Episode 12-Civil Unrest, What to Do

Join the gaggle as they discuss civil unrest, what is likely to happen and what you can do as things progress. Topics covered include the grey man concept, self defense, supply chain issues, international relations, and CJ gives historical…

Episode 11-Intentional Communities and Agorism

Today, The Gaggle as they discusses intentional communities. What does The Gaggle think of them, and what are some examples of communities that work? We contemplate Home Owner Associations and how to handle natural internal conflicts within…

Episode 10-The Technocracy

Today, the Gaggle takes on the Technocracy, historical perspective, and practical steps to take to set yourself up for resilience in our current environment. We are joined today by special guest: Derrick Broze author of the How to Opt Out…

Episode 9-Own Your Healthcare

Today the Gaggle takes on the healthcare system and discusses how it should be, ways to design your personal healthcare solution and discusses ways to use nutrition, exercise, natural remedies and knowledge to prosper. -Moderated by John…

Episode-8 Urban Areas and Land Use Planning

Today the Gaggle takes on cities and all that is good and bad about them. We look at the use of zoning and planning to control the population and the latest incarnation of this known as Agenda 21. We also welcome a special guest for some historical…

Episode-7 The Gaggle Answers Your Questions

In this our 7th episode we take some time and answer questions from the audience. We have a big variety today and it includes things like homeschooling, permaculture, poultry management, building community, counter economics, vaccines, home…

Episode-6 Alternatives to Government Education

Today, the Gaggle discusses the core problems with government schools, why the system was set up the way it is, and steps people are taking privately to ensure that their children get the kind of education that will prepare them to thrive in…

Episode-5 Personal Food Production and Community Exchange

This time four members of the gaggle taken on the food system.  We discuss some of the problems with the existing centralized system and the problems that come from the states intervention. We then quickly turn to what can be done about…

Episode-4 Cryto Agorism vs. the Machine

Today the gaggle takes on cryptocurrency with all its good and bad.  We discuss the real power of cryto specifically as an agorist lies in what it can do and what it can't be prevented from doing. No matter where you are in your walk…

Episode-3 The futility of politics the utility of community

Today we discuss mastering state jujitsu, ie getting around the barriers in our system by using the state's own systems and rules to our advantage. -Moderated by Nicole Sauce On this podcast:  Curtis Stone, TheUrbanFarmer, Youtube …

Episode-2 Community in a Shifting World

Join us for a discussion on community, what it is, how it can work in a digitally changing environment and explore state imposed "community" vs real ones. -Moderated by John Bush On this podcast Vin Armani,,,…

Episode-1 The Gaggle Takes Flight

Meet your Gaggle of hosts! Learn about this group of Agorist thinkers, how they got here, and the problems they most want to see solved in the world. We talk about: Health and healthy living, freedom, food freedom, community, philosophy, farming,…