Ep 29-Agorism in Practice with Listener Participation
Join the Gaggle as we take listener questions about integrating agorism into your life.
Moderated by: Nicole Sauce
On This Episode:
Xavier Hawk, Phireonglobalpartners.com
Nicole Sauce, LivingFreeinTennessee.com
And three guests…

Ep 28-Opting out of the New Normal
The gaggle managed to assemble for this episode despite three of us going though power outages and frozen pipes in the current massive cold front rocking the south. The show notes are brief today as Nicole Sauce is once again without…

Ep 27-What The Flock Talk With Xavier Hawk
Xavier invites community members to a discussion about agorism and the steps they are taking in their lives in this inaugural “What the Flock?” Talk.
Moderated by Xavier Hawk
Xavier Hawk:…

Ep 26-Handling Bad Actors in Growing Communities and Welcome Back Curtis Stone
Curtis Stone comes out of hiding to rejoin the Gaggle as we discuss how to establish a solutions-based approach to community, and how to set a positive culture within it.
Moderated by Curtis Stone