
Episode 16-Living The Agora

The Gaggle shares how they came to embrace agorism, steps you can take to build it into your life, mistakes they have made along the way, and ideas for the future.

Moderated by John Bush

On This Episode

Show Notes:

Sal is somehow navigating all of the dead falling in the streets in Florida, just like Wuhan this past spring

“Communism is not fair.” Nicole Sauce

Agorism is not something you become or join – it is about changing my life for the better, you can come along if you want to


How to start to incorporate agorism into your life

  • Get on the right side of the tax structure
  • Look past grey- and black-market activities
  • Get a good CPA
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Grown your own food, Get a 3d printer, Become your own bank
  • Set the stage for your kids
  • Pick your battles
  • MINE Bank Account – Money I Never Earned
  • SLP – Simple Ledger Protocol
  • Why KYC is bad when buying legal product
  • Mistakes made along the way
  • Not jumping all in right away
  • How can I make this a business expense?
  • Looking for agorists for the community instead of looking into local communities of interest



John Bush: https://livefreenow.podbean.com/

Sal Mayweather: https://www.saltheagorist.com/podcast

Jack Spirko: http://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/

Nicole Sauce: https://www.livingfreeintennessee.com/


What are they drinking?

  • John – Water & Kratom
  • Nicole – Carbonated Water from Soda Stream
  • Jack – Mocambo 20-year-old rum
  • Sal – Heineken



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Twitter: https://twitter.com/unloosethegoose

Telegram: https://bit.ly/3iEtBfA

MeWe: https://mewe.com/group/5f216adef75c361b1fe2cf88

Discord: https://discord.com/channels/744091175136395264/744091175136395269

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/unloosethegoose


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