Ep 42-Fnords
The Gaggle talks fnords: What they are, fnords all around us, why fnords matter, and how to help others see them.
Facilitated by Xavier Hawk and Nicole Sauce
On This Episode:
Xavier Hawk, https://phireonglobalpartners.com

EP 41-Fighting Fear
Today the Gaggle discusses fear and how it stands in your way, as well as ways to get past it. We also welcome Nit Bali to the Gaggle.
Facilitated by Xavier Hawk
On This Episode
Xavier Hawk, https://phireonglobalpartners.com

E0 40-What the Flock with Nicole Sauce and Xavier Hawk
Nicole Sauce invites listeners on to discuss how they came to agorism, decentralized distribution and Xavier Hawk makes a surprise appearance.

Ep 39-Agorist Crypto
Today the Gaggle talks about crypto currency and how and why agorists should tap into this resource, as well as their "picks" for tokens.
On this episode:
John Bush, livefreenow.show
Xavier Hawk, https://phireonglobalpartners.c…