Ep 33-Decentralize
Today, the Gaggle discusses ways to decentralize.

Ep 32-The Food Church with Niti Bali
Today the Gaggle is joined by Niti Bali of Farm to Fork Meat Riot to discuss her experiences in helping people heal through nutrition as part of a food church.
Moderator: Nicole Sauce
On this Episode
Niti Bali, Farm to Fork Meat Riot

Ep 31-NFTs and More
Today The Gaggle discusses NFTs and more.
On this Episode
Jack Spirko: http://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/
Sal the Agorist – The Agora Podcast
Xavier Hawk, https://phireonglobalpartners.com

Ep 30-Mindset and Action
Today, the Gaggle discusses how mindset impacts everything and questions the Law of Attraction
Moderated by John Bush
On this Episode:
Prof CJ, http://profcj.org/
John Bush: https://livefreenow.podbean.com/
Jack Spirko: http://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/