
Episode-2 Community in a Shifting World

Join us for a discussion on community, what it is, how it can work in a digitally changing environment and explore state imposed “community” vs real ones.

-Moderated by John Bush

On this podcast

Show Notes

  • 2 types of people in this world – those who want to be left alone and those who just won’t leave you alone
  • Participate in small affinity groups, mutual aid groups, freedom cells
  • Problem is what is happening with the global culture, and the unprecedented levels of interconnectedness
    • The point of culture/community is to help people thrive and survive in a particular environment
    • The solution is always community; the difficult part is how do we get a grasp on the social environment in which we are going to plant these communities, and what are the seeds we are going to plant?
  • What is the purpose of forming these communities?
    • You don’t all have to agree on everything. You just need to agree on what you want to accomplish in your own lives. Example – Nicole’s community in the Holler.
    • Have a shared set of core values
    • Are we individualists or collectivists? And how do we best organize?
  • People don’t get attached to the mission, they get attached to the leader
    • Don’t make a target out of yourself or your group
  • At what point are you in the community, and when are you an observer?
  • Virtual versus physical communities
    • Can be global, with smaller, local sub-communities
    • Government cannot win a technology war
  • Leaders need to check their egoes
  • Be wary of revolutions – at the end of a revolution, you get more government
  • WHAT DO YOU WANT? Humans of Earth, what is it that you want?
  • “Only a fool would let an enemy educate his children.” Malcolm X
  • “Agorism in action creates its own institutions and builds the institutions of a free society within the shell of the old. When people start offering services, they create markets and prices. When they have conflicts, they find means to arbitration and protection. That’s what’s so beautiful with counter-economics. By withdrawing your support, stop feeding the beast, start acting economically and freedom, you bring about the market institutions we will need and must rely on when the state fails.” Dr. Per Bylund

Recommended Resources



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16 replies
  1. Buddy Lindsey
    Buddy Lindsey says:

    I listened to this as soon as it downloaded in overcast. I got up and just took a walk outside while listening at 2x so I could concentrate on it.

    Someone on the show mentioned, I think Jack, that anyone that has built a successful community has 10 that have burned and died.

    I have really been thinking about it, and about why I have a hard time staring a community.

    I really want to be involved in a community of like minded people with similar goals. However, I think one of my personal biggest failings is I am terrible about being a part of a community. I have this kind of hot and cold thing I do. I go hard for a while then “burn out” and step back and recharge, and go again. This isn’t, necessarily, great for consistency in a community.

    I also at times feel like I join a community, and I help other people towards their goals. However, it seems like mine never get worked on, so I get frustrated because I want to accomplish stuff too.

    That is kind of my brain dump of problems I have had. It would be nice to hear something on. “How to be a good member of a community”

    Am I over thinking things?
    Am I just a terrible person?
    Am I fundamentally misunderstanding something?

    This has been a problem I have felt lost on for years, and I just don’t know how to solve. I feel like I am in the situation where I am to emotionally involved to see the problem, and how to solve it.

    • goose
      goose says:

      This may sound overly simplistic, but to be a good member of a community you need to participate in it. That does not however have to mean every moment of every day. But just as you would be purposeful about time you invest in a marriage or friendship, investing in the community is important. Building social capital over time is what leads to the community investing back in you. Does that mean you have to work your brains off for other people to earn the capital – not necessarily. But trust, time, helping others in the community, being a resource when it makes sense — all these things help. Perhaps the best thing I can say is examine your expectations for yourself in the community, and for the community in your life. The false communities created through governments grouping same with same have fuzzied the definition so much that it can be tough to know what is reasonable from an expectations standpoint in this topic — ultimately it is up to you to figure it out.

  2. Russ
    Russ says:

    I’d really like to start a community in Northern Michigan but at the same time I have a family business in the suburbs. I think there’s a lot of people that are rooted too much in the system that it makes it difficult to get away from. Maybe a community with some permanent residents and some that are commuters. Also I think as we rewild we need to keep up with technology. I think we want some of the past back but the comforts of modern technology. Not the best writer but hope that gets my point across. I’m a carpenter that’s just trying to learn more about hunting, fishing, permaculture, and a self sustaining lifestyle. Love the show can’t wait to hear more.


  3. Sally McWilson
    Sally McWilson says:

    Whether mobs or stormtroopers or smothering Karens, as humanity attempts to survive through the dim age, the only light I see at the end of the tunnel is from the glow of having encouraged more hearts to defend themselves by educating more minds to “From what?” Honk.

  4. Joe Agora/Tundra/Walker
    Joe Agora/Tundra/Walker says:

    There are lots of people who really do believe in liberty, but just don’t have a clue how to unloose their goose.

    In my opinion, the number one way to really get people out of the control of government, is to make crypto easy for the normies. There are huge crypto communities, but for your average wannabe Agorist, understanding anything about crypto is too steep of a learning curve. They don’t even know where to start.

    I think crypto is here to stay, but from the outside looking in, it seem to be tracking a lot like the history of Linux. Sure, the people who love it, REALLY love it. Some of us would love to give it a go but more often or not, we run into the “It’s not a version…it’s a distro”, guy.

    It doesn’t take meeting too many of those guys before one is inclined to say, Fuck It.

    Part of it is going to come down to marketing…not in a sleazy way…in a promote something awesome kind of way. I don’t have the answers but, ‘how do we get more normies into crypto?’, should be one of the questions being asked.

  5. Rob Kaiser
    Rob Kaiser says:

    So far…so good. This podcast series is perfect for this year. Hindsight is *now* – and we’re on the cusp of creating something that we’ll all reflect back on when we’re old(er) and gray(er). Look forward to where this is all taking us, everyone. I’ll be responding to Curtis’ video challenge by the end of the week after assembling a few more talking points on the final points that Curtis addressed. Keep it up and look forward to contributing to all of this and beyond with each and every one of you.

  6. BrentCR
    BrentCR says:

    Great group thanks you all! I bugged out to jungle in Costa Rica in the late 90s and have found myself in a completely unorganized crippled community with heaps of potential, untapped and never cohering. Frustrated I abandoned by dreams of thriving community and focused on thriving self , only to come out of my cave to surf and occasionally party. COVID germ police prohibited the three things I had left, surfing , socializing ,and ability to travel. Now I’m pissed and forced to come out of hibernation into cybernation. All my electronics failed years ago , killed by salt air , humidity ,ants , keypad eating roaches ,mold and fungi, and multiple times. Now I’m relearning how to use computers , got my first cellphone in 57 years , started reeducating myself and like Joe ATW above would like to hear about some cryptocurrency And encryptions for Normies and techno retards like me just coming out of hibernation . Time For me to expand from Fakebook Click and complain to action packed platforms like freedom cells ,unleashed geese and Gemstone University to polish up this crusty old gem and let it shine again. Thanks again all for your inspiration and sharing your expertise.

  7. Eli
    Eli says:

    I’m disappointed because I was really enjoying this podcast episode and considering sharing with friends until near the end the tone really shifted towards a strong anti-urban bias that used NYC as a scapegoat for the apparent rural preferences of the show hosts. You all had seemed like careful nuanced thinkers up until this point so I expected some discussion about why, perhaps, maybe NYC may not be a great stand in for a thriving dense community but everyone seemed to accept the simple paradigm: lots of people=bad, suburban/rural sprawl=good/better. Surely some of you realize the enormous resources poured into funding our national obsession with sprawl, but disappointed nobody cared to chime in.

    • Spirkodamus
      Spirkodamus says:

      Well that is too bad, we all wake up every morning and our first thought is “gee I really hope we don’t upset Eli today”.

      Live where ever you want but if opinions disappoint you, I suggest you don’t listen to podcasts.

    • JasonC
      JasonC says:

      When you look at it with an unbiased eye, it’s pretty clear that the UtG gaggle are pretty nuanced thinkers individually and as a group. And they have a broad swath of experience that goes into their expertise. Most, if not all, of them have extensive experience living in the sprawl and now out of it.

      Maybe what’s lacking isn’t nuance on their part, but experience on yours? Are you a nuanced listener, or are you letting your bias keep you from getting every iota of useful information out of this podcast?

      Too many people are so thin-skinned they cannot handle any opinion or fact that is opposed to what they are “feeling” at the moment. Of the “paradigm” of ideology they hold to be true. Individuals can’t continue in society if they’re always walking around looking at how they can be offended. If you look for that, you’ll ALWAYS be offended. And then they compound the sin by throwing out the rest of the information, no matter how useful, because of the offense. It’s like a personal “cancellation” policy.

      IMHO, one of the things this podcast excels at is thickening the listener’s skin. That is USEFUL. It makes us anti-fragile, which by definition makes us STRONGER.

      And I’ll add: Cities are bad, in their way. By the nature of cities, you have to give up your individuality to live there. And become more dependent on both government and supply chains to live. How is that good? When the SHTF, how does that work out? Or when a natural disaster strikes? Think about it.

  8. Eli
    Eli says:

    A podcast that isn’t interested in feedback about careless opinions is definitely one I won’t be tuning into further.


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