Entries by Spirko Damus

Ep 28-Opting out of the New Normal

The gaggle managed to assemble for this episode despite three of us going though power outages and frozen pipes in the current massive cold front rocking the south.    The show notes are brief today as Nicole Sauce is once again without power, but trust us, there is plenty of power in this episode.


Episode-7 The Gaggle Answers Your Questions

In this our 7th episode we take some time and answer questions from the audience. We have a big variety today and it includes things like homeschooling, permaculture, poultry management, building community, counter economics, vaccines, home births, essential skills, investing in preps and more. -Moderated by Xavier Hawk On this episode Nicole Sauce, LivingFreeinTennessee.com,Youtube Jack […]


Episode-4 Cryto Agorism vs. the Machine

Today the gaggle takes on cryptocurrency with all its good and bad.  We discuss the real power of cryto specifically as an agorist lies in what it can do and what it can’t be prevented from doing. No matter where you are in your walk with crypto from total newbie to seasoned vet you are […]


Episode-3 The futility of politics the utility of community

Today we discuss mastering state jujitsu, ie getting around the barriers in our system by using the state’s own systems and rules to our advantage. –Moderated by Nicole Sauce On this podcast:  Curtis Stone, TheUrbanFarmer, Youtube John Bush, livefreenow.show,Youtube Xavier Hawk, Phireonglobalpartners.com, Youtube Nicole Sauce, LivingFreeinTennessee.com, Youtube Jack Spirko, TheSurvivalPodcast.com, Youtube Show Notes : Using […]