Entries by TheGoose


Episode 9-Own Your Healthcare

Today the Gaggle takes on the healthcare system and discusses how it should be, ways to design your personal healthcare solution and discusses ways to use nutrition, exercise, natural remedies and knowledge to prosper. -Moderated by John Bush On this podcast Nicole Sauce, https://livingfreeintennessee.com/,Youtube Sal the Agorist – https://www.saltheagorist.com/podcast John Bush, https://livefreenow.podbean.com/,Youtube Xavier Hawk, https://phireonglobalpartners.com,Youtube   Show Notes : […]


Episode-8 Urban Areas and Land Use Planning

Today the Gaggle takes on cities and all that is good and bad about them. We look at the use of zoning and planning to control the population and the latest incarnation of this known as Agenda 21. We also welcome a special guest for some historical context, Prof CJ from the Dangerous History Podcast. […]


Episode-6 Alternatives to Government Education

Today, the Gaggle discusses the core problems with government schools, why the system was set up the way it is, and steps people are taking privately to ensure that their children get the kind of education that will prepare them to thrive in the 21st century. -Moderated by John Bush


Episode-2 Community in a Shifting World

Join us for a discussion on community, what it is, how it can work in a digitally changing environment and explore state imposed “community” vs real ones. -Moderated by John Bush On this podcast Vin Armani, Countermarkets.com, Countext.io, Youtube John Bush, livefreenow.show, Youtube Xavier Hawk, Phireonglobalpartners.com, Youtube Peter R. Quinones, Freemanbeyondthewall.libsyn.com, libertarianinstitute.org/pete/, Youtube Nicole Sauce, […]


Episode-1 The Gaggle Takes Flight

Meet your Gaggle of hosts! Learn about this group of Agorist thinkers, how they got here, and the problems they most want to see solved in the world. We talk about: Health and healthy living, freedom, food freedom, community, philosophy, farming, law, criminal justice, cryptocurrency and more. -Moderated by Curtis Stone


Episode 000 – The Gaggle

Unloose the Goose is a podcast that was founded to bring great minds together to solve big problems that face our societies today. We aim to talk about what CAN BE without being fettered by what currently is so that viable solutions can be found that do not rely on the bad foundations of what […]


The Challenge

It all started with a challenge from Curtis Stone – How would we build our world today if we started with a blank slate?   He invited many people to answer and one of them was Jack Spirko. Here is Jack’s Response. And from this came the idea for Unloose the Goose – a meeting […]